A combination of modern technology and knowledge based on the development and implementation of specialized microbial products.
This technology is based on the controlled injection of cultivated selected micro-organisms, which are characterized by unique properties in the specific environment aiming to reach specific targets.
The Bioaugmentation technology has several applications and can be implemented in all the waste water treatment plants that are using the activated sludge process, irrespectively of their layout and/or configuration.
What is Bioaugmentation

Why Bioaugmentation?
The application of the Bioaugmentation technology, in the waste water treatment plants leads to the following benefits:
- Improves effluent quality
- Eliminates odors and foams
- Eliminates Fats, Greases and Oils (FOG’s)
- Significant reduction of excess sludge volume
- Reduction of BOD, COD, FOG, TSS in the effluents
- Reduces energy consumption (oxygen demand reduction)
- Sludge dewatering line no longer in operation
- No need for using polyelectrolytes for sludge dewatering.
- No need for chemicals for Phosphorous precipitation.
The WWTP is not discharging organic waste - The cost of implementing the Bioaugmentation technology has no adverse impact in the operational costs (OPEX) of the WWTP, (balanced with the reduction of energy consumption and the non-operation of the dewatering line and sludge and FOG’s disposal costs).
- There is no need for any capital investment (CAPEX) for implementing the Bioaugmentation technology.